More about Beecholme

Beecholme is also the first postwar "mixed development" housing scheme in Hackney, with a mixture of houses and flats with the taller block having five storeys and containing one-bedroom and bedsit accommodation. It is featured in Volume 15 of Hackney History and was the site of Beecholme House, the family home of Maj. John André (d. 1780), who was executed as a British spy in the American War of Independence.

Sunday 31 May 2009

Poster/artwork offer and my slide show PORTFOLIO

Includes all design:
Roughs, visuals & finished artwork for print.


2,500 full colour letterheads £269 inclusive
(inc. VAT & p&p)

Printed best quality by offset press on 100gm bond
(other paper stock & run size prices on request)



Phone/Fax: 020 8806 3731


Here's our latest example
with a standard written letter indicated with
"lorum ipsum" text:

You can see the full design process from roughs to finished art at:


Poster and advertising design & artwork

DWD cover A3 fold to A4 glossy ad

DWD inside A3 fold to A4 advert

"Special offer"
Print or web ready artwork for the introductory price of £20
For anything from a poster (CMYK @ 300dpi) to a webpage (RGB @ 72dpi)

To make this fair the offer is open to everyone, including existing clients





Carpet tiles In Beecholme entranceway

They make a big difference, don't they!

I got these carpet tiles from Hackney FreeCycle and still have enough
to do the upper landings
and the stairs - and keep
a few aside to replace any that get damaged

There's only 6 flats in the stairwell and we all know each other so
I do not expect any purposeful damage.

(click on the picture to see it full size)

I haven't quite finished yet but when I do I'll give them a good cleaning.
They'll come up like new and look and feel great.
They're so much better than bare concrete - it makes you feel like
you're home as soon as you open the main entrance.

The only expense was a £1 can of spray glue (from a £1 shop) and
some blades for a stanley knife to cut the tiles.

I hope this will tip the scales in favour of carpet tiles for the lift lobby
in the single 5 storey block on the estate.
It's the single lift lobby that everyone has to go through as well
as their guests, of course.

The obvious beauty of tiles is their ability to be easily replaced if damaged
as well their ability to form patterns and designs.

The lift lobby would look great as a simple checkerboard.

Saturday 23 May 2009

Just for fun (3) - Euro election 2009 quick guide - Beecholme photos

(I took these on my mobile phone a couple of days ago.
They're a bit of a cheat really because i took them very close to & from behind plants
so they make the estate look a lot greener than it actually is)

As with all the photos, artwork and documents on the site, if you
click on them or better yet, right click and select
"open in new tab or window" they will come up full size.
In this case that means A4 for the "views" and the "panorama"
about 5 inches high by 2 foot wide.

Flats 10-21 and 22-33 Beecholme are top left, overlooking Millfields park.


SEE the UPDATE below about the
EIB sculptural seating

Fri May 15th post: "UPDATE MAY 28"

"Just for fun" star trek animations:

To see No3

To see No.2
The Star Fleet captain:

...and your mission is to go to:

To see No.1
The Romulan:


Having trouble figuring out who on earth
some the candidates (and parties) are and what they stand for?

I hadn’t even heard of some of the parties so spent half an hour searching for the information I needed to be able to vote sensibly. I found all the info on London’s Euro election candidates on a concise and easy to follow page and figured I could save you the time & trouble
of having to search as well…

A summary of all London candidates and quick guide to their policies:

Three Parties with London candidates I wanted to find out more about:

...or if you're really serious - the British Library:

2004 results for London Euros:

To register to vote online (for all elections held in the UK)
or to find out if you already are registered:

TRA AGM 2009 results - plus NEWS

Our Beecholme & Casimir Tenants & Residents
Annual General Meeting

Was held as scheduled with Coralie Francis
our Resident Participation Officer attending to officiate.

All TRA officers were re-elected, however the
number of committee members has now dwindled to four.


The next TRA meeting is
Tuesday the 28th of July
at 7pm
in the hall


Other news

The new EIB process for 2009

This year we are to put forward 3 projects in preferential order.
If there is the time and money to do all three, all three will be done.
With luck this should avoid the huge underspend
of the last two years.

Our 3 projects will probably be:
1. Depending on whether we get the £5,000 grant from Grass Roots
(HSCV) for grounds/planting, add £3,000 for 3 years continuous maintenance
(weeding, pruning, seasonal replanting etc)
2. A sculptural seat not too dissimilar to the one illustrated below.
3. Floor covering for the lift lobby - perhaps lino or carpet tiles so any wear or burns
or spillages can be easily gotten rid of by replacing a tile.

If you have an idea for the EIB, let me know, it's not too late!
David White (sec. B&C TRA) email me at:

We will register the 3 projects at the next ETRA on
Tue 28th July at 7pm


This year's TRA outing
is to Leeds Castle, just outside London
on Sunday 26th of July.

You'll get a pamphlet through your door closer to the date.

that's all for now.

Have a good long weekend!


Monday 18 May 2009

Beecholme and Casimir TRA AGM 20th May 09

Wednesday 2oth at 7.30pm in the hall

I hope to see you there!

Click on the poster to bring it up full size which is A3
(but 200dpi for print so may come up about A2)

Friday 15 May 2009

Sculpture eg's for estate EIB project + HCVS grant + Dog litter fines

UPDATE March 2010
Tim did come to the estate and took photos to work from.
I think he was quite inspired by the estate and the aspect over the park
but we have not met since - just had the occasional email.
I was unsuccessful with 3 grant applications last year, successful with one we're using with the EIB for planting - ie Phase I. of the grounds project.
The grant I have yet to get is for the sculpture - Phase II.
I will be applying again very soon, with help from Damien at Arts-express.
As soon as we get funds and he has the free time, we'll get Tim back.

In the meantime we may see if another sculptor can help with replacing the benches. We will try and co-ordinate everything so Tim will have an input even if only on paper - with the design.

UPDATE May 2009
Damien from Arts-express and sculptor Tim Norris
(Tim did the curved seating in the photo directly below)
will be coming to the estate as the first stage
of our sculpture/sculptural seating project.

From Tim's website:

Tim specialises in large-scale Sculptural Furniture, his work draws its inspiration
from the surrounding landscape and where possible uses
indigenous natural materials, in combination with recycled or engineered parts.

Tim has a range of experience in both exhibiting and constructing commissioned work in the landscape.

A proven track record of Commissions and Residencies, Including, Artist in Residence at The Irwell Sculpture Trail, The Grizedale Forest, and The National Cycle Network.

Rather than produce solely Furniture or Sculpture he creates inspirational environments
for the public to relax, chat and enjoy.

More updates to come.


Here are 11 sculptures
as examples suitable for an EIB or other
grant funded project on your estate.

Of course, you will almost certainly commission a work that will have a relevance to and sit well with
the style of architecture on your estate.
Many of the examples I've chosen would sit particularly well in a post war, post modern estate.

The full stream of 42 sculptures can be seen at:

...which includes sculptures currently on housing estates in London and elsewhere in the UK

"I hope you will pursue a sculpture project because
it will, I promise, make a huge difference
to your visual environment and affect
your quality of life.

Some residents at Beecholme and some Hackney Homes officers were initially resistant to proposals to paint the galvanized Gerda gates as well as to proposals to
cover the big estate bins with artwork.
Fortunately cllr Linda Kelly had the vision to appreciate the possibilities and supported the project.

(Bin artwork see below or click:

"The projects went through mainly because no-one else had a project for
the 2008
EIB... ...and I was persistent."

The estate signs were due to be replaced after the Decent Homes internals had been done as they were still Hackney council signs instead of Hackney Homes ones. I was luckily in the right place at the right time and managed to jump in and supply the artwork using predominantly Hackney Homes corporate colours but with my own 50's style Beecholme logo.

(Gates & signage see below or click:

Since these projects have been now completed, they are
widely appreciated and commented on.

"I know some officers (and expect some residents) will again
be resistant

to the idea of estate sculpture . . .

. . . I hope I can convince them that a sculpture will be as effective as
the bin artwork, the signage and the gates, perhaps even more so."

As long as the sculptures are made of stainless steel or stone resin (or similar) and are
fixed to the ground by a (an unseen underground) concrete footing they
will be vandal proof and easily cleaned.

Placement is critical to get the full impact.
To ensure that your eyes are drawn towards it, its background needs to be
either a contrasting or visually flat surface. You can use this to make passers look in a certain direction, perhaps away from a less attractive view.
For example, you wouldn't want to place a sculpture within view of bins or someones window.

As all these projects make an impact on the estate and our visual environment
and the overall effect is starting to mount up.
Residents are rightfully becoming more respectful of and care
more for both the estate and themselves.

It's hardly surprising as the estate is now more worth taking care of.
It shows a respect for residents and their environment that is returned in kind.


Need help accessing funds?

If anyone without an estate TRA wants help accessing EIB funds or applying
for grants elsewhere, see the extensive list at: 
(updated for 2010)
or contact me in my position as sec. of the Clapton Panel at

"If and when a Beecholme sculpture project is completed, I'm confident
it will be hailed as a big success.

As a designer and visual media professional who has lived on three continents I have seen
these sorts of measures work all over the world, time and time again."

It's a matter of creating well designed and aesthetically pleasing focal points while at the same time getting rid of any eyesores. The overall impression is then one of coordinated good design that naturally calms and uplifts the viewer.


£5,000 Grass Roots Grant from HCVS

We are currently waiting for to find out if we've got the East End & City Grass Roots grant of £5,000 we (the TRA) applied for some 6 weeks ago to employ the Grass Roof Co to replant and do minor landscaping to all the estates grounds and gardens. You can use the grant for any communal environmental improvement.
We should know within the next fortnight or so.

News about the Grass Roots grants program:

and the HCVS site,the place to apply for a Grass Roots Grant


Fines for dog dirt litter

Last year I suggested that heavy fines should be handed out for dog dirt & littering and noted that Perth in West Australia had the same problem until a few years ago when $2,000 fines were introduced
and bins placed everywhere.

I was told in no uncertain terms "we're not Australian" and "it would never work here".

I am gratified to see that Hackney council is now initiation a £1000 fine for dog dirt littering and that
the by-laws are in place and the signs will be going up in Hackney very soon.

It is nice to be proved right sometimes.


Clapton Neighbourhood Panel site up

The Clapton Panel's new site now has 8 pages and is growing fast - both in size and popularity.
There are all the links you need and over 60 contacts with full details and clickable website links.
Why not take a look right now!