More about Beecholme

Beecholme is also the first postwar "mixed development" housing scheme in Hackney, with a mixture of houses and flats with the taller block having five storeys and containing one-bedroom and bedsit accommodation. It is featured in Volume 15 of Hackney History and was the site of Beecholme House, the family home of Maj. John André (d. 1780), who was executed as a British spy in the American War of Independence.

Thursday 26 August 2010

Depot reprieve makes Gazette's front page

(click on the story to see it full size)

and is featured online at:

For the full story go to

I will post more news sories here, so do check back

If you've come to just this post, don't miss
"Jewel in the crown" idea for the depot

"Jewel in the crown" to secure jobs & heritage

Find out all about it at:

...and please sign our petition

The online PETITION reads:
"I would like to strongly support the idea of turning the Old Tram Depot at 38-40 Upper Clapton Road over to an Arts & Crafts Trust or Foundation.
It is in line with "Sustainable Communities Act 2007 and would be the jewel in the crown of an Area Action Plan for Clapton (when we get it - promised since 2005).

The Depot deserves to be saved on heritage grounds as well as on cultural and economic grounds - the artists generate wealth from their works which are in demand all over the world.

Please do whatever is necessary to

make The Old Tram Depot Arts Trust a reality". 


"I was happy to sign
       the petition,
I think it is a really
                 visionary idea"
                                 says Diane Abbott MP

Turning the Depot over to an Arts Trust
is also supported
by our Leabridge ward councillors:

Linda Kelly
Ian Rathbone
Deniz Oguzkanli

as well as
The Hackney Society.


The depot is already filled with artists (5), sculptors (3), bespoke furniture makers (4), a metal working forge, an art project and art galleries (2) and more so is obviously ideally suited to the purpose...

If you are one of the 1,300 plus people who objected to the planned re-development of the Depot -Thank you!!
Please do sign the petition above as well.

New visual identity (logo/letterhead/header) for the trust in progress
check out the visuals so far
Clapton Arts Trust logo/letterhead/header visuals

Monday 23 August 2010

Thumbs up as Depot's 70+ jobs saved

Depot residents with councillor Ian Rathbone (far left) and Christine Williamson, Beecholme TRA vice-chair (fifth from right) with a "thumbs up" as the
proposed re-development planning application (2009/2490) is deemed unimplementable .

It means the 70+ jobs dependant on the depot remaining pretty much as it is are safe, at least for the time being.

It also means the Tram Depot Art Gallery and gallery VULPES VULPES, as well as individual resident artists, designers and craftsmen like the metal forge at Horse Workshops as well as bespoke small manufacturing firms like Furniture Design ltd, Line Furniture ltd, Touchwood Furniture ltd and the Plasterworks ltd can continue producing works.

It means the foam factory (London Foam ltd), the biggest employers in the Old TRam Depot complex avoid having to close permanently too.

––<< COMMENTS >>––

Blood and Property said...
Congratulations. That was an impressive campaign and I'm sorry I didn't follow it very closely.

REPLY: Thank you very much. We're just about to start another stage of the campaign to save both the building and jobs at the Tram Depot....  hopefully it will be as successful.

Third reprieve for Clapton Tram Depot

I have the great pleasure in announcing
that the proposed development
(planning app 2009/2490)
to the
Old Tram Depot
38-40 Upper Clapton Road
has been deemed "unimplementable"
so will now NOT go ahead
That is, even though approved by the planning committee (although note that planning permission has not been issued pending the finalisation of the accompanying 106 agreement).

The reason being Council is no longer minded to grant the developer development rights in respect to the community hall portion of the site. 

PHOTO: The Casimir Road end of the Tram depot with our single storey Community Hall
Shot taken by Chris Mills

Thankfully, this means the "Alf Partridge Community Hall" will remain with the Beecholme & Casimr TRA, under the management of Hackney Homes.

Any new development, be it in the form of a completely fresh proposal or an amendment to the current scheme would need to be subject to further consultation and reporting to the planning sub-committee.

•   •   •

I will post more details and information over the next few days, so check back.

In the meantime, our sincere thanks go to councillors Linda Kelly, Ian Rathbone and Deniz Oguzkanli for all their many hours protesting the loss of our heritage, jobs and artists as well as the loss of our hall and working behind the scenes in securing this hold to the development.

Thanks also to the Beecholme & Casimir TRA members for unanimously supporting the opposition to the development.

Thanks to everyone involved.

Monday 16 August 2010

Food waste recycling & liners

Those residents who have opted to recycle food waste have been issued with a small kitchen caddy and compostable liners.

The caddy is used to collect food scraps in the kitchen. These can then be take to the food waste recycling bin located on site, near existing recycling facilities.

The food recycling bins will be emptied twice a week.


Repacement Liners

 for the 
food waste kitchen caddy 
are available at:
44 Beecholme Estate
  Neighbourhood Offices
call the Recycling Hotline
 on 020 8356 6688
liners will be posted out to them.

Please do not use plastic bags

Only use the compostable liners provided. 

click on the above leaflet to see it full size

What can be recycled?
The list of items that can and can't be recycled in the food waste bins:
    •    Fruit
    •    Bread and pasta
    •    Raw vegetables
    •    Cooked meat
    •    All cooked food
    •    Tea bags
    •    Egg shells
    •    Cooked vegetables
    •    Cooked fish
    •    Plastic bags
    •    Raw meat and fish
    •    Bones
    •    Tins & cans
    •    Glass
    •    Paper



recycling containers said...
I'm surprised that the organics receptacles don't have lids to reduce smell.
David White said...
Actually they caddies are pretty small and tend to fill quite quickly - usually well before anything starts to smell bad. Remember also that NO raw meat or fish is allowed and they're the worst.
16 August 2010 16:41


Kristen Barnard said...
Residents can empty out their kitchen caddies as often as they need to, as they are given a supply of compostable liners, which will reduce any smells. Kristen - Recycling Team

Saturday 14 August 2010

It was a Fun Day at...

                             Last Thursday the 12th of August
Thanks go to Maureen for organizing the day again this year and to Coralie from Hackney Homes (Resident Participation Officer) for helping.

Face painting by the artists from Vulpes Vulpes.

                                                         PHOTOGRAPHS by David White

Larger versions of all these photos & more are available to download on Flickr

Last year:

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Beecholme allotment wins prize

We are very pleased to announce
that Christine Williamson's (B&C TRA Vice-chair) hard work
in the allotment
and with the growing club
has been recognized
second prize
in the
"Food growing" category
Hackney in Bloom 2010

These shots were taken in May this year

                       Well done Christine...  

                                     ..and everyone involved

Saturday 7 August 2010

Hackney Citizen Tram Depot article August 2010

click on the article below to bring it up full size
once open in a new window you may have to click it again to enlarge it to true full size