More about Beecholme

Beecholme is also the first postwar "mixed development" housing scheme in Hackney, with a mixture of houses and flats with the taller block having five storeys and containing one-bedroom and bedsit accommodation. It is featured in Volume 15 of Hackney History and was the site of Beecholme House, the family home of Maj. John André (d. 1780), who was executed as a British spy in the American War of Independence.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Petition: stop "temporary" building & roads on parkland

Petition to save the fields
behind the Ice Rinks

Why This Is Important

There are endangered species on the land adjacent, there are brownfield sites nearby that could be used and this area is utilised vastly by the public. This is green belt land and the planning process has not been followed appropriately, some 600 local residents have not been consulted.

Call me a sceptic...

The huge 3 storey high "temporary" basketball courts come with bitumen access road and car park, with security fencing and lights.

A great many far less substantial "temporary" buildings in Hackney have ended being all but permanent, usually because the money isn't there to replace them with a proper permanent building.

In this case it will be because the money isn't there to return the land to its natural state..  ...unless the money is in place now, securely ring-fenced with a contractual obligation (with penalties) to return the land to the condition it was in by a set date.

If the building finds a use that delivers an income to the council after the Olympics, the temptation to keep it will be irresistible - unless not to would cost even more.

David White

Scroll down to the post below for more details

Thursday 19 January 2012

3 storey building on marshes parkland proposed to be erected
on Leyton Marsh
by "London 2012"
right behind the ice rink.

The huge 11 metre high (3 storey) structure would be surrounded by an even bigger area of tarmac, with new access road, described as being "temporary".

Q: is the money to return the site to natural marshland in place and secure NOW?
The east marsh already has a big "temporary" tarmac car park for disabled parking planned.

Q: will the "change of use" for the land be time limited?

Planning Application Number 2011/156


Sign the petition to stop 

Find out more, voice your opinion
3 events are coming up

• Meeting at the Hare and Hounds, 278 Lea Bridge Road  London E10 7LD
on Monday 16th January 2012 to plan what further steps can be taken to oppose the proposed development - all are invited - 6.00 pm on ward - if you can come at 7 or even later it is likely that people will still be there.

• BBC TV are filming a news item on the proposals
on Tuesday 17th January 2012 in the morning 10 am at the Ice Rink or 10.15 at the King's Head Bridge. They are keen to interview locals who use the marsh for whatever reason - dog walkers, joggers, slower pedestrians, horse riders!

Finally - where it may all happen:
Planning Committee Waltham Forest Council 
on Tuesday, 7th February, 2012 7.30 p.m.
The Planning Committee of Waltham Forest Council will be considering the application at their meeting on 7th February 2012 - venue - Waltham Forest Town Hall, Forest road, London, E17 4JF.

The agenda will be displayed in the week before the meeting Proposed venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Oliver Craxton  020 8496 4380 Email:
It would be great if you could attend and gather on the steps of the Town Hall at about 7.15 pm to make your feeling known to Committee Members.

                                         info from the Leyton Marsh Users Group 2012

Monday 16 January 2012

Oppose the anti-squatting law

Squatter's Action for Secure Homes

The UK government is planning to criminalise squatting in residential buildings despite 95% of responses to the 'consultation' opposing any further legislation.
The proposed legislation will have impacts on the most vulnerable people in society, will empower unscrupulous landlords and will burden the justice system, police and charities.
The Squash campaign provides resources on these impacts to raise awareness on the matter.

Template letter to your MP

Criminalising the Vulnerable Presentation

Squatting: The facts

NOTE: to see the sheets below full size, either click on the link above or right click on the pages below and select "open in new window" 

Squatter's Action for Secure Homes

Sunday 15 January 2012

Quarterly Enhanced TRA meeting

To all tenants & residents living on the Beecholme Estate as well as all Hackney Homes residents in Casimir, Cleveleys & Gunton Roads.

Thursday 19th Jan 2012

we have an
Enhanced Tenants & Residents meeting
at 7pm
in the Alf Partridge Community Hall
(corner of Prout & Casimir Roads)

The quarterly "enhanced" meetings have
our Estate Manager, Esther Ojimba attending
along with invited Hackney Homes officers
and Hackney councillors.

On the agenda
Communal drainage problems.
s106 follow-up and bollards on Casimir Rd
The Estate Plan

...and more

I hope to see you there.

David White (secretary B&C TRA)

Monday 9 January 2012

Grant application in

Update Jan 2012

To all Beecholme residents

Just wanted to let you know that the grant application to the Henry Moore Foundation, to commission Tim Norris to create two more sculpted benches (to coordinate with the first) and a large free standing sculpture, overlooking the park has been acknowledged today, Mon 9th Jan 2012.

We will get find out if we've been successful in due course.

If we are successful, you will be consulted and have the opportunity to be involved at all stages - from design and planning to construction.
If there is enough demand, Tim will hold sculpting classes on the estate as well.

David White (Sec B&C TRA)

• • •

This is from the bottom of the "Estate Environs/sculpture"page:

November 2011

...grant application submitted.

We are applying to the Henry Moore foundation for a grant to erect a large pure sculpture for the end of Prout Rd, overlooking the park, perhaps something 1950's to match the estate, perhaps not:

We are also applying
for two more curved seating sculptures to coordinate with the first (see slide presentation below) to replace the old and worn benches and hope to add something to the smaller adjacent square.

We will know if our request has been successful or not in due course, anytime after mid November 2011.
