More about Beecholme

Beecholme is also the first postwar "mixed development" housing scheme in Hackney, with a mixture of houses and flats with the taller block having five storeys and containing one-bedroom and bedsit accommodation. It is featured in Volume 15 of Hackney History and was the site of Beecholme House, the family home of Maj. John André (d. 1780), who was executed as a British spy in the American War of Independence.

Monday 6 December 2010

Their cuts - not ours! say Hackney councillors

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No-one feels safe any more. 

Far from obtaining some ‘Churchillian’ feeling of a ‘we will fight them on the beaches’ mood, this government has reduced people to feelings of helplessness, of victims of bullying.
Frightened of the future.
Fearing they have no real future except the dole queue and poverty.

Someone has to stand up to these economic bullies. Someone has to say enough is enough. This is our country for all the people regardless of race, creed or politics.

Not the place of the divine right to rule by out-of-touch millionaires like Cameron and Clegg, supported by media billionaires now running our media and supporting the Tory Party.

This is the place where we live and belong together using a democratic way of finding solutions together to our common problems.

We say: It’s their cuts – not ours.

This is not the way to do things.

They are using ideological cuts, not based on financial reasons, aimed at the poor and vulnerable in our communities.

They need to stop what they are doing and start listening to reason.
To start seeing they have no mandate for this, to start talking to those on the ground locally and put an end to such damaging decisions.

Cllrs Linda Kelly, Deniz Oguzkanli,
Ian Rathbone, Patrick Vernon and
other Labour councillors

Full article

If you want to know more about this growing campaign
against the cuts, call
07890 654 068
or email 

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