More about Beecholme

Beecholme is also the first postwar "mixed development" housing scheme in Hackney, with a mixture of houses and flats with the taller block having five storeys and containing one-bedroom and bedsit accommodation. It is featured in Volume 15 of Hackney History and was the site of Beecholme House, the family home of Maj. John André (d. 1780), who was executed as a British spy in the American War of Independence.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Pond House planning application


Planning Application Number: 2011/0696
Site Address: Pond House 162 Lower Clapton Road London E5 0QJ
Application Type: Full Planning Permission
Comments until 13th June 2011

• Online council comments page

• Online council website Pond House planning documents

I've selected 15 drawings and photos from the much larger combined planning drawings pdf available on the planning documents page, which you can download here

Here is a selection of the 15:

I've also included the pdfs that show which original features are planned to be saved and restored.

For more and updated info see the Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group website Pond House page:

• • •

I understand the developer, in this case. has listened to the community and produced plans that deal with virtually all the issues raised.

Consequently the Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group are supporting the application.

I think CPNAG (and others) deserve our sincere thanks for their years of fighting for Pond House and preventing this for example: 

and getting town houses like these:

• • •

I haven't had time to take a close look at the plans yet (room sizes, open space etc) but on the surface, with the retention of many original features as well as the facade and with townhouses on Mildenhall Road, they look as good as could be hoped for - which is saying a lot - a heck of a lot more than you can say for many recent developments.

I should add that although I'm not a fan of the fake period look, matching surrounding buildings form/height and visual/detailing characteristics is one of the best ways of maintaining a pleasant visual environment.

It is possible to create a good look by using extreme contrast between old and new (ultra modern or extremely different) but it's incredibly difficult to pull off. Examples that work include the Lloyds building in the city and the glass pyramid in the Louvre.

My checklist for repairs and additions works just as well for developments and new builds set in among older buildings:

or the more complete
(with purchasing protocols as well as design protocols)

(click on the sheets to see them full size)

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