NOTE: as always, please check back to see if I've updated any errors of fact.
Updated Thur 24th Jan.
The proposed new Neighbourhood Forum (Localism Act: planning) for the Clapton Pond and surrounds area got off to a great start at last night's public meeting in B6 College.
Right click on the panorama above & select "Open in new window" to see it full size (1,200 pixels) Photo by David White.
The meeting was organised by the Clapton Arts Trust and Cazenove Architects in partnership with the Clapton Conference (a series of meetings set up by the Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group to address planning issues locally). Councillor Linda Kelly chaired the meeting (as chair of the Clapton Arts Trust).
Well over fifty people attended.
Twenty nine local residents and representatives from local organisations & businesses signed up to become members of the new Forum, including Councillor Rick Muir, representing Hackney Downs ward.
Cllr Alex Russell (also Hackney Downs) was unable to attend but has indicated she will also sit on the Forum.
The participants will continue to work on the boundary at the at the inaugural meeting: date to be announced shortly and to be held in the near future - the Forum then named and constituted.
In due course the Forum will apply to the council to be the recognized forum for the area bounded.
Planning Aid for London will continue to offer support and guidance.
They will also facilitate workshop exercises, helping members decide a draft area boundary and distilling a set of "high level" or common aspirations for example.
The next meeting will be as widely advertised as possible but if you want get an email notification, you can subscribe to the Clapton Arts Trust "Clapton & Hackney wide News and Issues" mailing list.
The inaugural meeting is your opportunity to see what it's all about first hand - and of course, if you live locally or have a business in the area, you can join the Forum yourself.
The meeting at B6 on Wed 23rd Jan 2013
At the meeting Allison Borden from Planning Aid for London (pictured below) gave an overview of the new process and explained the requirements of the Localism Act with regard to Neighbourhood Forums and the wider planning landscape ie regional and local strategies.
View the PAL presentation online and download it here
PHOTO: Allison Borden of Planning Aid for London Photo by David White
After the presentation and a short Q&A session, councillor Muir and (for the organisers) Louise Goodison, Dave Rindl and David White said a few words in explanation and/or support.
Everyone then moved next door for an introductory talk by Louise Goodison of Cazenove Architects (pictured below far left) about borders and the public realm. Louise then handed back to Allison from PAL, who facilitated an exercise to make a start setting the new Forum area draft boundary.
PHOTO: Louise Goodison of Cazenove Architects Photo by David White
If you want to join the Forum, come to the inaugural meeting - date to be announced shortly.
Subscribe to the Clapton Arts Trust "Clapton & Hackney wide News and Issues" mailing list to get notification.
Until the new Forum is constituted and named and has its own website and email, you can find background information about the Neighbourhood Forum on the "Vision for Clapton" page of the Clapton Arts Trust website.
Alternatively, view the "ClaptonVision 2013" page of the Beecholme blog.

Updated Thur 24th Jan.
The proposed new Neighbourhood Forum (Localism Act: planning) for the Clapton Pond and surrounds area got off to a great start at last night's public meeting in B6 College.
Right click on the panorama above & select "Open in new window" to see it full size (1,200 pixels) Photo by David White.
The meeting was organised by the Clapton Arts Trust and Cazenove Architects in partnership with the Clapton Conference (a series of meetings set up by the Clapton Pond Neighbourhood Action Group to address planning issues locally). Councillor Linda Kelly chaired the meeting (as chair of the Clapton Arts Trust).
Well over fifty people attended.
Twenty nine local residents and representatives from local organisations & businesses signed up to become members of the new Forum, including Councillor Rick Muir, representing Hackney Downs ward.
Cllr Alex Russell (also Hackney Downs) was unable to attend but has indicated she will also sit on the Forum.
The participants will continue to work on the boundary at the at the inaugural meeting: date to be announced shortly and to be held in the near future - the Forum then named and constituted.
In due course the Forum will apply to the council to be the recognized forum for the area bounded.
Planning Aid for London will continue to offer support and guidance.
They will also facilitate workshop exercises, helping members decide a draft area boundary and distilling a set of "high level" or common aspirations for example.
The next meeting will be as widely advertised as possible but if you want get an email notification, you can subscribe to the Clapton Arts Trust "Clapton & Hackney wide News and Issues" mailing list.
The inaugural meeting is your opportunity to see what it's all about first hand - and of course, if you live locally or have a business in the area, you can join the Forum yourself.
• • •
The meeting at B6 on Wed 23rd Jan 2013
At the meeting Allison Borden from Planning Aid for London (pictured below) gave an overview of the new process and explained the requirements of the Localism Act with regard to Neighbourhood Forums and the wider planning landscape ie regional and local strategies.
View the PAL presentation online and download it here

After the presentation and a short Q&A session, councillor Muir and (for the organisers) Louise Goodison, Dave Rindl and David White said a few words in explanation and/or support.
Everyone then moved next door for an introductory talk by Louise Goodison of Cazenove Architects (pictured below far left) about borders and the public realm. Louise then handed back to Allison from PAL, who facilitated an exercise to make a start setting the new Forum area draft boundary.
PHOTO: Louise Goodison of Cazenove Architects Photo by David White
If you want to join the Forum, come to the inaugural meeting - date to be announced shortly.
Subscribe to the Clapton Arts Trust "Clapton & Hackney wide News and Issues" mailing list to get notification.
Until the new Forum is constituted and named and has its own website and email, you can find background information about the Neighbourhood Forum on the "Vision for Clapton" page of the Clapton Arts Trust website.
Alternatively, view the "ClaptonVision 2013" page of the Beecholme blog.
If you live between Chatsworth Road and Lower Clapton Road, you should go to "Chatsworth Road Neighbourhood Plan" meetings too.

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